Appointment Times
Arrival & Missing Appointment Times
We make every effort to see each patient at their scheduled appointment times. Therefore it is important that patients try to be prompt. If you do arrive beyond the scheduled time it may be necessary to reschedule your appointment for a later date.
We recognize that your time is important and that long wait times in the office can be a major inconvenience. We do try our best to keep to the patient schedule, however there may be occasions when your provider may be running late and will be unable to see you at the precise time of your scheduled visit. If you are unable to wait for your provider, you are welcome to reschedule your appointment with our apologies.
Our office requires 24 hours notice (at least one business day) to cancel an appointment. Late cancellations (less than 24 hours notice) or “no shows” (not showing up for a scheduled appointment) will be noted in your patient record.
While we do not charge a cancellation fee, we do ask that our patients be respectful of our schedules. Therefore, if a cancellation or rescheduling of your appointment is necessary, please contact us as soon as possible (and not less than 24 hours prior to appointment).
Patients who repeatedly miss appointments may be asked to find another primary care provider.
Insurance co-payments are an important part of the reimbursement agreed to by your insurance company, and payment is expected at the time of your visit. We do accept credit cards and personal checks for your convenience. Please bring your insurance card to every visit. A $15 service fee will be added if the co-payment is not received at the time of the visit.
We verify your personal information at check-in. Occasionally we have had difficulty in contacting a patient because of out-of-date information. Please remember to inform us of any changes to your address, telephone number, emergency contact or insurance information. This can also be done in advance of your appointment via this web portal.
If you have new insurance information, please remember to bring the new card to your first appointment with us. We need to scan your card into our system so it is available to the billing staff. This should prevent future phone calls about your new insurance.